Journey to the Next Destination

国际物流项目协调员-Project Coodinator


1. 海外工程物流项目操作:

· 负责进出口制单、物流信息系统维护、台账制作、周月报制作、清关许可单证申请等基本工作。

· 确保项目操作符合国际和国内物流标准和法规。

2. 提供物流解决方案和报价:

· 协助组织编制海外工程项目投标文件,并参与项目投标过程。

· 协助进行日常项目核价与议价,确保项目成本效益。

3. 操作方案和运输跟踪:

· 协助制定和实施物流操作流程,监控运输各环节。

· 协助识别和规避运输风险,提出并实施应对措施。

4. 关务问题处理:

· 协助处理各种关务问题,与进出口相关部门和海外机构协调。

· 确保清关过程顺利进行,并遵守相关法规和政策。

5. 现场操作监督:

· 协助监督工程项目的现场操作,包括境内外大件运输、配载及各环节的操作。· 协助处理现场出现的任何问题,确保项目进度和质量。

6. 团队协助:

· 协助提供技术支持和培训,提升团队成员的专业技能和业务水平。

7. 美国当地物流相关经验优先:

· 优先考虑具有美国当地物流仓储、地面操作、清关及FTZ(自由贸易区)相关经验的候选人。


· 大专及以上学历,物流、国际贸易、工程管理等相关专业。

· 至少1-2年国内外工程物流项目管理相关经验。

· 良好的英语书面和口头表达能力,能够作为工作语言。

· 持有报关员资格证书者优先考虑。

· 能够适应高强度工作环境,具有良好的抗压能力。

· 熟练使用Microsoft Office办公软件,特别是Excel。

· 基本了解WMS、SAP或Oracle操作系统的使用。

· 具备一定的协调和组织能力。

· 能接受出差并适应不同的工作时差和国际节假日差异。

Job Description:

1. Overseas Engineering Logistics Operations:

· Handle basic import/export documentation, maintain logistics information systems, prepare ledgers, and generate weekly/monthly reports, customs clearance document application, etc.

· Ensure compliance with international and domestic logistics standards and regulations.

2. Provide Logistics Solutions and Quotes:

· Assist in organizing and preparing bidding documents for overseas engineering projects, and participate in the bidding process.

· Assist in daily project pricing and negotiations to ensure project cost efficiency.

3. Operational Plans and Transportation Tracking:

· Assist in developing and implementing logistics operation procedures, monitor transportation stages.

· Assist in identifying and mitigating transportation risks, propose and implement countermeasures.

4. Customs Issues Handling:

· Assist in handling various customs issues, and coordinate with import/export-related departments and overseas institutions.

· Ensure smooth customs clearance processes and compliance with relevant regulations and policies.

5. On-site Operation Supervision:

· Assist in supervising on-site operations of engineering projects, including oversized transportation, loading, and operations at various stages.

· Assist in addressing any on-site issues promptly to ensure project progress and quality.

6. Team Assistance:

· Assist in providing technical support and training to enhance the professional skills and business levels of team members.

7. Preferred Experience in U.S. Local Logistics:

· Preferred candidates will have experience in U.S. local logistics, warehousing, ground operations, customs clearance, and FTZ (Foreign Trade Zone) operations.

Job Requirements:

· Junior College or higher in logistics, international trade, engineering management, or related fields.

· At least 1-2 years of relevant project management experience in domestic and international engineering logistics.

· Good written and spoken English skills, with the ability to use English as a working language.

· Customs broker certification is preferred.

· Ability to adapt to high-intensity work environments and good stress tolerance.

· Proficiency in Microsoft Office, especially Excel.

· Basic understanding of WMS, SAP, or Oracle operating systems.

· Basic coordination and organizational skills.

· Willingness to travel and adapt to different time zones and international holiday differences as required by the project.

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