1. 从HR视角出发参与业务部门管理工作。
2. 人才招募储备及人员管理等各方面HR专业支持工作;
3. 运作适应所在业务部门的HR战略和执行方案;
4. 参与所在业务部门的领导力发展和人才发展通道建设;
5. 支持企业文化变革并参与变革行动;
6. 建立所在业务部门的人力资源管理体系。
7. 通过与业务团队的紧密合作,积极推动公司企业文化的建设;
8. 通过系统性的支持和跟进方案,有效解决员工关系问题;
9. 制定及沟通规范和政策, 包括组织架构发展;员工相关信息和HR相关项目和政策;
10. 定期回顾人力资管理政策在业务线中开展的效果,并进行招聘成本和用工成本等人力资源专业数据的汇总和分析;
· 本科以上学历,5年以上HRBP专业工作经验,熟悉及精通六大模块
· 擅长与业务沟通,有较好的人际敏感度,情商较高;
· 良好的责任心,主动性,踏实接地气,工作投入度高;
· 结果导向,思路清晰,做事高效,有较好的数据分析总结能力,闭环思维;
· 善于沟通,乐于分享,有良好的抗压能力;
· 国际货运代理行业经验以及食品饮料电商行业经验优先。
Job Description:
1. Participate in business department management from an HR perspective.
2. Provide professional HR support in all aspects such as talent recruitment, reserves, and personnel management.
3. Implement HR strategies and execution plans tailored to the business department.
4. Participate in leadership development and talent development pathways within the business department.
5. Support and participate in corporate culture change initiatives.
6. Establish a human resource management system for the business department.
7. Promote corporate culture construction through close cooperation with the business team.
8. Effectively resolve employee relations issues through systematic support and follow-up plans.
9. Develop and communicate regulations and policies, including organizational structure development, employee information, and HR-related projects and policies.
10. Regularly review the effectiveness of HR management policies in the business line and summarize and analyze HR professional data such as recruitment costs and labor costs.
Job Requirements:
· Bachelor's degree or above, with over 5 years of professional HRBP experience, familiar with and proficient in the six major modules.
· Skilled in business communication, with good interpersonal sensitivity and high emotional intelligence.
· Strong sense of responsibility, proactivity, down-to-earth attitude, and high work dedication.
· Results-oriented, clear thinking, efficient in work, with good data analysis and summary skills, and closed-loop thinking.
· Good at communication, willing to share, and with strong stress resistance.
· Experience in the international freight forwarding industry and e-commerce in the food and beverage industry is preferred.